Due to the large number of playlists we track, and the fact that we record for all of those playlists the version in every country, we cannot have real time data. There is delay between the moment the playlist is updated on Apple Music and the moment we notice and record the update. We always try to minimize this delay, taking into account all the parameters.

Unfortunately, as there are no followers metric on Apple Music to identify bigger playlists like we do for Spotify, we built a different system to make sure we record playlist updates as soon as possible.

Based on historical data, we know if a playlist used to be updated frequently or not, in which case we try to guess if it is likely that the playlist should be updated today or anytime soon. For those playlists, we check them for updates twice a day.

For other playlists, which we think will not update anytime soon as they are not updated often, we check them as soon as possible, usually once every three days.

If in some cases you absolutely need us to check a playlist at a given moment to avoid the delay, you can always manually refresh the playlist. On the playlist page, next to the last checked date, click on the refresh button.

Some playlists contain a huge amount of tracks (understand more than 20,000 tracks, even sometimes 500,000 tracks). Those playlists have been disabled from our system, so we do not take them into account and do not update them anymore.