How do I cancel my subscription?
You can cancel your subscription at anytime, it only takes a few seconds. The cancellation will be effective at the end of the current paid term. It means that if you are on a monthly plan, you will still have access to Spot On Track until the end of the month as you already paid for it, but your subscription will not be renewed on the next month. If you are paying yearly, you will keep your access until the end of the year that you already paid for, but it will not be renewed for an other year.
To cancel your subscription, just to on your Settings page (gear icon on the top menu), and then on the Subscriptions menu on the left.
Click on the red button 'Cancel your subscription', and make sure to confirm your decision on the next page. That's it.
As we are always sad to see users leave us, we would love to know why so that we can improve our platform. That would be awesome if you could just drop us an email at explaining us your decision.